Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jude Sadie Frost settles their dispute...!!!!!!

Hollywood actor Jude Law has settled all the disputes with his ex-wife Sadie Frost over her autobiography.

The "Sherlock Holmes" star was moving around the court to stop the release of the memoir, titled "Crazy Days", and stop Frost to reveal private matters.

The two parties came to an agreement concerning the privacy and the about the children when the case is courted in London's High Court.

"As has already been reported last week, my client Jude Law issued proceedings against Blake Publishing and Sadie Frost, as he was concerned about certain passages in Ms. Frost's forthcoming autobiography as well as the proposed publication of photographs of his children," contactmusic quoted Law's lawyer Mark Thomson as saying.

"Mr. Law is pleased that the parties have been able to resolve this speedily; he has been able to protect his and his children's privacy and Ms. Frost is able to proceed with her latest project," Thomson added.

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